Providence's new series will equip you to think biblically about some of the most prevalent hot-button issues of our time, such as . . .

  • Abortion 
  • Homosexuality 
  • Transgenderism 
  • Politics 
  • Racism

Below is a full schedule of the upcoming sermon series that begins on Sunday, January 8: (Providence will resume its series through Matthew on 4/23)

Date Topic/Title Speaker
1/8 Us Vs. Them: The Anti-Gospel Daniel Eichelberger
1/15 What the Bible Says about the Unborn Daniel Eichelberger
1/22 Making Abortion Unthinkable Daniel Eichelberger
1/29 What the Bible Says about Homosexuality Daniel Eichelberger
2/5 You Become What You Worship (Psalm 35) Mike Jones, Guest Pastor from Sterling Park Baptist Church
2/12 How to Engage Others about Homosexuality with Truth and Compassion Daniel Eichelberger
2/19 What the Bible Says about Transgenderism Daniel Eichelberger
2/26 Truth and Compassion: How to Engage Others About Transgenderism Daniel Eichelberger
3/5 God and Government: What the Bible Says about Politics Daniel Eichelberger
4/16 Us for Them: Christianity and Politics Daniel Eichelberger
4/23 Worship Wars: What the Bible Says about Worship Daniel Eichelberger
4/30 Worship Wars: Music in the Church Daniel Eichelberger
5/7 What the Bible Says about Race and Racism Daniel Eichelberger
5/14 Love Your Neighbor--Regardless of Race  Daniel Eichelberger
5/21 Where Do We Go from Here? Daniel Eichelberger
5/28 TBD Guest Preacher